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Grow Your Own Wedding Flowers

When planning a wedding, one of the first things people often think about is the flowers! A beautiful floral display can transform a wedding venue, and with some careful planning, it's absolutely possible to use flowers from your own garden to decorate your special day!


 grow your own wedding bouquet


Timings are key!

Once you've got your date set, choose flowers that are in bloom at the right time, this will reduce stress and help guide you to choose the best flowers for the day. There are so many types of beautiful flowers, so don't get too hung up on one variety if the timings don't line up, instead focus on colour and shape to build your perfect display. 



Don't forget the foliage

A brilliant way to bulk out your bouquets and displays, make sure to factor in plenty of foliage. Eucalyptus is great option and commonly used in wedding flowers. It has bright silver-blue foliage with beautifully aromatic foliage, making it perfect in flower arrangements.

Try growing Unwins Eucalyptus Pulverulenta Baby Blue Seeds 


eucalyptus baby blue unwins wedding foliage


Use petals for confetti

Natural, biodegradable confetti is often a requirement at wedding venues, and even if not required, going natural is always best! You can either use fallen petals for confetti, or even grow a selection of flowers specifically for confetti. Roses are a classic choice, but you could use calendula, cornflowers, lavender, delphiniums, larkspur or sweet peas.  


grow your own wedding confetti


Top tips to keep the blooms looking their best

Once you've picked your flowers, make sure to remove the bottom leave and put the stems straight into cool water to help the flowers last longer. 

You can even give the flowers a last minute pick me up, simply sear the end of each stems in boiling water – only 5 seconds for soft, delicate stems and up to 45 seconds for hardy, woodier stems.



We love these...


For height, Unwins Verbascum Snowy Spires are a great option. Put these in the back of arrangements, or as a key flower in a centerpiece to give impressive height! 


verbascum snowy spires bouquet


For autumn weddings, dried teasel heads add a beautiful autumnal or wintery feel.

teasel winter bouquet


Cornflowers add a lovely meadow feel for more natural, woodland weddings. Try Unwins Cornflower Double Mixed.


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